tooth and nail

1 tooth and nail  竭尽全力
2 one and only 独一无二
3 safe and sound 安然无恙
4 fair and square 光明正大
5  better safe than sorry 有备无患
6 don’t be smug  别得意/不要沾沾自喜
7  you’re killing me 你笑死我了
8  I’m sick of it  烦死了
9  fancy meeting you here  没想到在这遇到你
10  It’s been a while  好久不见
11  don’t give me that 少来这套
12  I see how it is 我明白了
13  That’s my two cents  这是我的拙见
14  Use your noodle  用用你的脑子
15  I just hit the big time  我大获成功
16  save it for later 以后再说
17 be back on track  重回正轨
18  in a nutshell 简而言之
19  don’t fall for it  别上当
20  three sheets to the wind  酩酊大醉

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