The sky is your limit

1 quit while ahead  见好就收
2  catch my drift  懂我意思吗?
3 what’s it to you / what do you care  关你什么事
4  you bet  不客气
5 by all means 当然可以
6 cry my a river 别再抱怨了
7  I have an in  我有关系/我有后门
8  pick your brain  请教一下
9  put your money where your mouth is 说到做到
10  made of money 腰缠万贯
11  every cloud has a silver lining  黑暗当中总有一点光明
12  cut to the chase  直奔主题
13  it’s a pipe dream  白日梦
14  I’ll make a killing  我会赚翻的
15  honey trap  美人计
16  so be it  那算了
17  spring chicken 菜鸟
18  on the house 免费招待
19  onwards and upwards 步步高升
20  you got me there  你难倒我了

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