Take the cake

1 take the cake 拔得头筹
2 steal the thunder  抢风头
3  raise the bar  提高标准
4 clear the air 消除误会
5 promise the moon 画大饼
6 free and easy 无拘无束
7 no guts, no glory 不入虎穴,焉得虎子
8 talk the talk, walk the walk 言出必行
9 smoke and mirrors 障眼法
10 heart and soul 全心全意
11 in the flesh 正是在下
12  talk to the hand  懒得理你
13 bury the hatchet [短柄小斧]  重归于好
14  what’s your poison  你想喝什么
15  why the long face 你怎么不开心
16  in for a penny, in for a pound.  一不做,二不休。
17 five by five 准备就绪
18  go with the flow  随波逐流
19  drop dead gorgeous  美翻了
20 you’re one to talk  你还好意思说呢

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