Tag: Part III

Part III-010

Q: How will the way we access information change in the future? A: To be honest, I think we have just been through a big change, namely the development of the Internet, which allows us to find almost any kind of information we want. That said, I’d hazard a guess that one forthcoming(即将到来的) big change […]

Part III-009

Q: How can you motivate children to study? A: Well, I suppose you have to understand their interests, what makes them tick, and then leverage(利用/影响/杠杆作用) that to get them engaged. For example, kids usually like games, so if you wanted to teach them a language like English, then you could get them to practice through […]

Part III-008

Q: What is the most popular means of transport in your country? A: Probably the car. Most families have at least one car, and many people will commute to work by car. Certainly for day trips and short holidays people like the flexibility that a car offers, so if you want to take a detour(绕路) […]

Part III-007

Q: What are the advantages and disadvantages of having a regular routine? A: On the one hand, it can make us much more productive, doing regular things at the same time each day. I think there is some scientific research that supports this too. On top of that, most people are creatures of habit, so […]

Part III-006

Q: Are colours important in your country? A: Sure. I think the most important colours are probably those of our national flag, red, white and blue. I guess people see them as representing our nation, and giving us a sense of nationality and unity. On top of that, the main political parties in my country […]

Part III-005

Q: How can a newcomer be made to feel welcome by colleagues? A: In my eyes, it’s always tough being the new kid on the block, because everyone is watching you and evaluating you, right? So I guess one thing that always helps is being introduced to people, but one at a time, rather than […]

Part III-004

Q: How has the way musicians sell their music changed in recent years? A: Well, I’d say it’s changed in a number of ways. First of all, given the reach of the Internet, more and more musicians are selling their music online. Gone are the days of just selling albums in shops, nowadays most musicians […]

Part III-003

Q: Why do people enjoy being near water? A: It’s hard to say, and I actually don’t think everyone enjoys being near water, especially people who can’t swim. Generally speaking, I think there’s something about getting back to nature, water in particular has a soothing(真实的/温柔的) effect and can be very therapeutic(有益健康的). When we are near […]

Part III-002

Q: What are the factors to consider when buying clothes?  A: Well, first of all, many people undoubtedly consider the price. I think we are creatures of habit, right? and we are always looking for bargains(便宜货/讨价还价), and trying to get a discount. Not because we lack money, but I think it’s just a habit we […]

Part III-001

Q: How can parents help children be organised? A1: I don’t have any hands-on experience with this but… (or – Well, I can tell you from first hand experience and…)…in my opinion parents can set a good example. For instance, as well as telling their children to make their bed, parents should first make their […]

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