Tag: Part II

Part II-011

Q: Describe an item you bought but have rarely used. A: A while back, I bought some roller skates(四轮滑冰鞋) because I wanted to get back into shape(to get fit again). I had been rather lazy and inactive and needed to do some exercise. What’s more, I had seen other people, young and old, skating in […]

Part II-010

Q: Describe a piece of information that you think is not correct. A: Well, I was watching television the other day and an advert popped up promoting a special yoghurt(酸奶) drink. Nowadays, it strikes me that it’s all the rage(=popular) to sell food by focusing on health benefits; needless to say, this one was no […]

Part II-009

Q: Describe a person who encouraged you to achieve a goal. A: I’m going to tell you all about Mark and how he encouraged me to keep going with my reading club, this was quite a while back(很久以前), a couple of years after graduating from university. Mark was a friend I had met at university, […]

Part II-008

Q: Describe a road trip you have done. A: Actually, I went on a road trip with my father when I had just turned thirty. The two of us decided to take  the car and drive from England though France, from top to bottom. We had both been through some difficult times, and decided we […]

Part II-007

Q: Describe a time that you got up early in the morning. A: I recall once, I had to get up at an ungodly hour, it must have been around 4am in the morning, because I’d agreed to go water skiing with some friends. I was actually on holiday in the States visiting these mates […]

Part II-006

Q: Describe a place you remember well that was full of colours and explain why you remember it? A: I am going to tell you about my daughter’s classroom. A few years ago, when my daughter was in Primary school, I was invited to attend an open day at the school. This was an event […]

Part II-005

Q: Describe a person who you want to work with. A: I once did a conference persentation with a college from another department and it went like a dream, mainly thanks to that college. At the time, I was working for an educational company, and had been slaving away(埋头苦干) on a particular project for about […]

Part II-004 ✓

Q: Describe a pop singer you like. A: I’d like to talk about Ken. I first came across him when I had just turned 14 years old. My brother was raving about him and had just bought a cassette(盒式磁带) by U2, which is the band Ken sings for. I had never heard of him before, […]

Part II-003

Q: Describe a water sport you want to try in the future. A: To be honest, I am not a huge fan of water sports, but if I were going to do one, I think it’d be scuba diving. I am sure it’d fun and probably a bit of a roller coaster ride(坐过山车). I’ve been […]

Part II-002 ✓

Q: Describe a person who you think wears unusual clothes. A: I’m going to tell you about my history teacher at university. You know, he was, and still is, a bit of an eccentric ([ɪkˈsentrɪk] 古怪的), especially when it comes to clothes. I would say his clothes are unconventional ([ˌʌnkənˈvenʃənl] 非传统的), to say the least. Many students […]

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