Tag: part I

Part I-006

Q1: What helps you concentrate? A:  ……I am a sticlker for silence. Q2:  What do you do when you can’t concentrate? A: ……like breaking my work down into 20 minutes……But, more often that not, I just change activity. Q3: How do you relax? A: I do a number of different things. I find mediation useful, […]

Part I-005

Q1: Do you like history? A: Well, I wouldn’t say I am a big fan of history, but I do enjoy watching historical films or period dramas on TV. I find it fascinating to see the costumes and lifestyles of people in the past time. For example, I used to watch Downtown Abbey and loved […]

Part I-004

Q1: Have you ever seen wild animals before?  A1: Well, I have seen lots in the zoo, such as lions and elephants, but I’ve never seen those kinds of animals in the wild. When I was a kid growing up, I saw lots of foxes, because there were plenty of them in the forests near […]

Part I-003

Q1: Do you prefer to watch TV programmes on a TV or mobile phone? A: I don’t really mind, probably a mix of both, to be honest. The TV, obviously, has a bigger screen and better quality sound, so it’s overall a better viewing experiences. That said, I am quite happy to watch a short […]

Part I-002

Q1: What kinds of flowers do you like? A: I am not really a flower person, but I do buy flowers for our home now and again, and I usualley go for carnations or roses. I find the bright colours and soft petals can give a fresh and relaxed feeling to the room. * flower […]

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