Tag: idiom

Idiom 5

NO. Sentence Translation 1 I am tickled pink that I passed my exam. 非常开心 2  I am not into volleyball, it’s not my cup of tea. 我的菜/我的专长 3  I’m a big fan of Tom, I love him to bits. 非常喜爱 4  I’m fed up to the back teeth of his behaviors. 受够了/气极了。 5 I am […]

Idiom 4

NO. Sentence Translation 1 I believe that you’ll pass the math exam. Break a leg. 祝你好运/一路走好/大获全胜 2 Why don’t you talk with each other? Let’s break the ice! 打破沉默/打破僵局  3 It’s been a long day but the week is almost over. Hang in there! 坚持一下 4 After five years, we finally met – better late […]

Idiom Practice 1

Since we can not persuade each other for such a long time, it proved that we’re not on the same page. I have no more time to waste on you. It takes two to tango, I can’t twist your arm, vice versa. I’m really convinced it’s time to make the decision on the spot. No […]

Idiom 1

No. Sentences Translation 01 Go on travelling abroad more in the fure is on the cards, I have been ready for it. 八九不离十 02 I have no idea who will win the election, it is up in the air. 悬而未决 03 My interview went really well I think my promotion is in the bag. 十拿九稳 04 […]

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