Tag: 005

Part III-005

Q: How can a newcomer be made to feel welcome by colleagues? A: In my eyes, it’s always tough being the new kid on the block, because everyone is watching you and evaluating you, right? So I guess one thing that always helps is being introduced to people, but one at a time, rather than […]

Part II-005

Q: Describe a person who you want to work with. A: I once did a conference persentation with a college from another department and it went like a dream, mainly thanks to that college. At the time, I was working for an educational company, and had been slaving away(埋头苦干) on a particular project for about […]

Part I-005

Q1: Do you like history? A: Well, I wouldn’t say I am a big fan of history, but I do enjoy watching historical films or period dramas on TV. I find it fascinating to see the costumes and lifestyles of people in the past time. For example, I used to watch Downtown Abbey and loved […]

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