Tag: 002

Others 002

NO. Celebrity Dictum 1 Thomas Alva Edison Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration (/ˌpɝspə’reʃən/).  2 Benjiamin Franklin Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn. 3 Harry S. Truman A pessimist is one who makes difficulties of his opportunities and an optimist is one who […]

FS 2

Tom said that he had a strange dream last night, he worked as a famsous detective and gave a respresentation in the First Royal Prison, the topic is “Show me your honesty”. Let’s going into his dream by following his mouth. My take on honesty is that I have a aversion to all sorts of […]

Part III-002

Q: What are the factors to consider when buying clothes?  A: Well, first of all, many people undoubtedly consider the price. I think we are creatures of habit, right? and we are always looking for bargains(便宜货/讨价还价), and trying to get a discount. Not because we lack money, but I think it’s just a habit we […]

Part II-002 ✓

Q: Describe a person who you think wears unusual clothes. A: I’m going to tell you about my history teacher at university. You know, he was, and still is, a bit of an eccentric ([ɪkˈsentrɪk] 古怪的), especially when it comes to clothes. I would say his clothes are unconventional ([ˌʌnkənˈvenʃənl] 非传统的), to say the least. Many students […]

Part I-002

Q1: What kinds of flowers do you like? A: I am not really a flower person, but I do buy flowers for our home now and again, and I usualley go for carnations or roses. I find the bright colours and soft petals can give a fresh and relaxed feeling to the room. * flower […]

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