Power and money

1 all or nothing  全力以赴
2 now or never 机不可失
3 make or break 成王败寇
4 do or die 生死关头
5  old money  富二代
6 new money 暴发户
7 funny money 假钞
8 easy money 不义之财
9  dear money  高利贷
10  January and May  忘年恋
11  at the drop of a hat  毫不犹豫地
12  cherry on the cake  锦上添花
13 banana oil 花言巧语
14 duck soap  小事一桩
15 at sixes and sevens 乱七八糟
16  on cloud nine  十分高兴
17  a storm in a teacup  大惊小怪
18 twist in the wind  孤立无援
19  bad apple  老鼠屎
20  green with envy  羡慕嫉妒恨

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