Category: Fake story

FS 6

‘Where there is a will, there is a way’.  Though the fact is much more cruel (残酷的) than the former sentence, we still should embrace it actively, after all,  it’s not only a good encouragement, but a positive attitude( longtitude-经度; latitude-纬度 ) of live. In actual fact, almost none of us will refuse success, but […]

FS 5

We are living in a relative peaceful age, at least most of us are indulged in the hustle and bustle lives without any risk of starvation or killing. Our each day composes every single page of the history, perhaps someday our posterity(后代 = descendant, poster=海报 ) will talk about some pages of us in the future, […]

FS 4

Last friday Tom bumped into his childhood friend Jack and they had a blast in the KTV, however, Jack was wrapped up by a big financial problem indeed. Jack said that he was grapping with the mortgage load of his houses for several weeks because he had lost his jobs a month ago. Due to […]

FS 3

Is there any difference between today and the past? The answer is obvilous. Money is not the be-all and end-all, however, it is part and parcel. To the vast ordinary people, the biggest difference is that we cannot earn our lives easily as before, in other words,  it’s so easy to lose job in this […]

FS 2

Tom said that he had a strange dream last night, he worked as a famsous detective and gave a respresentation in the First Royal Prison, the topic is “Show me your honesty”. Let’s going into his dream by following his mouth. My take on honesty is that I have a aversion to all sorts of […]

FS 1

Tom is a person who likes to talk tall(讲大话,吹牛) or to brag(自吹), of course, he will also blague (吹牛 [blɑːg]) from time to time. Here is a story told by him several years ago and was proved to be a fake one after his speech. This vivid story happened in a mysterious place, without a […]

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