Category: Phrase

About Whale’s Melody

People maybe are familiar with Whale’s voice but they may not be familiar with the science behind their eerie (/ˈɪəri $ ˈɪri/) songs,  because even if the scientists do not have the opportunities to figure it out unless they are blessed by the God. The key problem is that the tissues of whales are so […]


This city is famous for its wide variety of tourist attraction, several of which are recognized as World Heritage Sites. In some fans’s hearts, this city occupies an unshakable position. Some tourists are quite into its picturesque scenery, however, the others are big fans of all kinds of brilliant ancient constructions. Each year the local […]

Threats of Volcano

It’s reported that enormous ( /ɪˈnɔːrməs/ 巨大的,极大的,庞大的) magma (/’mæɡmə/ 岩浆,糊剂) intrusion (/ɪnˈtruːʒn/ 入侵) under a peninsula (/pəˈnɪnsələ/ 半岛) is causing earthquake swarms and forcing evacuations (/ɪ,vækjʊ’eʃən/ 撤离,疏散). After several tense days of earthquake swarms, people living on the peninsula are in limbo ( /ˈlɪmboʊ/ 监狱 ) as they wait to see whether a surging blob […]

Dominate and evolution

In the competitive world of electric vehicles (EVs), several companies vie for the dominance. However, one company, Tesla, truly dominates the industry. Its cutting-edge (领先的/先进的; top-notch 拔尖的) innovations (改革、创新; evolution 进化; involution 内卷; revolution 革命 ) predominate in terms of market share, and its influence is predominant across various tech sectors. Elon Mush, as the CEO of […]

Opt EVs or not?

Will the electric vehicles will dominate ( /ˈdɑːmɪneɪt/ ) the roads in the future? The answer is yes, but for now, the process will be affected by at least four main factors.Some people claim that the electric vehicles have less emission than the traditional gasoline-powered cars, this conclusion cannot be completely true unless with an […]

The justice

I have been thinking about this question since the outbreak of the Israeli-Palestinian war, what is justice and where it is. This war touched everyone’s heart, not only because of the justice itself but also because of the cry and the bleeding of each civilian ( /səˈvɪliən/) who is involved in on both sides. The […]


Colonialism, which has greatly impacted the progress and shape of the current world, is one of the most notorious things that has happened to the third world people. The biggest commonality of the colonialists is that they came to the colonies with the purpose of not only exploiting the natural resources but also trying to […]

Sylvia Plath

Today we’re gonna look at the life and some of the works of one of America’s finest modern female poets, Sylvia Plath. At the time of her death in 1963 Sylvia Plath was on the verge of the crucial success and recognition that she had sought for most of her life. Her first novel ” […]

Part III-010

Q: How will the way we access information change in the future? A: To be honest, I think we have just been through a big change, namely the development of the Internet, which allows us to find almost any kind of information we want. That said, I’d hazard a guess that one forthcoming(即将到来的) big change […]

Part III-009

Q: How can you motivate children to study? A: Well, I suppose you have to understand their interests, what makes them tick, and then leverage(利用/影响/杠杆作用) that to get them engaged. For example, kids usually like games, so if you wanted to teach them a language like English, then you could get them to practice through […]

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