Category: Essay

Two Pie Charts

The two pie charts illustrate the proportion of five types of energy production in France in 1995 and 2005. Overall, in both years, the most significant sources of energy were gas and coal, which together accounted for over half the production of energy, while nuclear and other kinds of energy sources generated the least amount […]

Line and Table

The line graph shows changes in water use for the whole world over a one hundred year period, spilt between three different sectors, while the table looks at just two countries-Brazil and the Democratic Republic of Congo-for the year 2000. Over the one-hundred-year period, it is obvious that all three water types of water use […]


The two maps show the planned changes in the campus layout of Hogwards Grammar School from 2004-2010. According to Figure 1 which provides of an overview of the original school plan in 2004, the school had 600 students and its only school building is located in its northwest corner. To its east, there is a […]


This flowchart provides an overview of a domestic central heating system. It shows how the tank, boiler and pipes ensure a constant flow of hot water to both the radiators and the taps. First, the cold water enters the house and is stored in a water storage tank in the roof. From there it flows […]

Mixed Graphs

Reigon % land degraded by … deforestation over-cultivation over-gazing Total land degraded North America 0.2 3.3 1.5 5% Europe 9.8 7.7 5.5 23% Oceania 1.7 0 11.3 13% These two diagrams illustrate the main reasons of land degradation in the world and its different impacts on three areas during the 1990s. According to the first […]

Pie and Line

These graphs illustrate the change of people’s eating habits between 1970 and 2000. According to the four pie charts, the percentage of the family’s food budget spent on restaurant meals steadily increased during this period. Just 10 percent of the food budget was spent on restaurant meals in 1970, and 15 percent in 1980. That […]


Country Food/Drink/Tobacco Clothing/Footwear Leisure/Education Ireland 28.91% 6.43% 2.21% Italy 16.36% 9.00% 3.20% Spain 18.80% 6.51% 1.98% Sweden 15.77% 5.40% 3.22% Turkey 32.14% 6.63% 4.35% The table illustrates percentages of consumer spending in five different countries(Ireland, Italy, Spain, Sweden, and Turkey) in 2002. The consumer expenditures are grouped into three categories. According to the table, all […]


These two graphs illustrate the change of marital status of Americans between 1970 and 2000. According to the first graph, there were 2.5m marriages in both 1970 and 1980, and then this figure decreased gradually during the next two decades, reaching to 2m in 2000. By comparison, the number of divorces first increased from 1m […]

Education Purpose

Some people think universities should provide knowledge and skills related to a future career; others think the true function of university is to give access to knowledge for its own sake. What is your opinion of the main function of university? —-Sample 1—-Universities are one of the most important institutions in modern society. Post-secondary education […]

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