About Whale’s Melody

People maybe are familiar with Whale’s voice but they may not be familiar with the science behind their eerie (/ˈɪəri $ ˈɪri/) songs,  because even if the scientists do not have the opportunities to figure it out unless they are blessed by the God.

The key problem is that the tissues of whales are so easy to decompose which means even if some whales are stranded ( /ˈstrændɪd/ ) suddenly on the beach or fjord ( /ˈfiːɔːd ), as long as it’s not close to the scientists’ lab, it helps nothing. Without fresh specimens ( /ˈspesɪmɪn/ ), it’s almost impossible for scientists to do useful physiology ( /ˌfɪziˈɒlədʒi ) research for their academic purpose, in other words, there are still lots of enigmas ( /ɪˈnɪɡmə/ ) for people.

Why will whales be stranded sometimes? The main reasons may include emaciation ( /ɪˌmeɪʃiˈeɪʃən ), drowned ( tangled by fishing nets ) and so on. Of course, on some occasions it is probably due to the disturbing noise which come from all kinds of ships, because the noise can hinder the communication between whales. No matter how it is a mature whale or a juvenile ( /ˈdʒuːvənaɪl ) one, all of them have the possibility of being disturbed by human’s activities even if they have accommodated ( /əˈkɒmədeɪtid ) the underwater lifestyle.

Thanks to modern anatomy ( /əˈnætəmi/ ), scientists can utilize it to finish an excellent anatomical ( /ˌænəˈtɒmɪkəl ) process, only by doing this can they have the chance to break the external constraint ( /kənˈstreɪnt/ ) and then find the correct aisle ( /aɪl/ ) to the destination. The lucky thing is that they finally achieved it and the research showed that the whales, no matter how baleen ones or humpback ones, utilize their larynx ( /ˈlærɪŋks/ ) or vocal folds to make their songs. Scientists now can replicate this procedure and know about how the melody reverberates ( /rɪˈvɜːbəreɪt ) under the water.


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