A flash in the pan

1 a flash in the pan  昙花一现
2 get off your high horse  别那些趾高气扬
3 poppycock 废话
4  apples and oranges  两码事
5  cool as a cucumber  稳如泰山
6 lend me your ears 听我说
7  don’t dawdle  别磨蹭了
8  that’s lame  弱爆了
9  just a hunch (肉峰, ~ back 驼背)  只是凭直觉
10 what’s the fuss 有什么大惊小怪的
11  I’m on the clock. 我在上班
12  right as rain  一切顺利
13  six of one  半斤八两
14  jam tomorrow  空头支票
15  no time like the present  择日不如撞日
16  don’t patronize me  不要对我说教
17  on last legs  气数已尽
18 force of habit  习惯了
19 at the end of my rope  走投无路
20  year in and year out  年复一年

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