tooth and nail

NO. EN CN 1 tooth and nail  竭尽全力 2 one and only 独一无二 3 safe and sound 安然无恙 4 fair and square 光明正大 5  better safe than sorry 有备无患 6 don’t be smug  别得意/不要沾沾自喜 7  you’re killing me 你笑死我了 8  I’m sick of it  烦死了 9  fancy meeting you here  没想到在这遇到你 10  It’s been a […]

The sky is your limit

NO. EN CN 1 quit while ahead  见好就收 2  catch my drift  懂我意思吗? 3 what’s it to you / what do you care  关你什么事 4  you bet  不客气 5 by all means 当然可以 6 cry my a river 别再抱怨了 7  I have an in  我有关系/我有后门 8  pick your brain  请教一下 9  put your money where […]

Stay out of it

NO. EN CN 1 I’m so screwed  我搞砸了 2  keep your hair on  别着急 3 stay out of it 少管闲事 4 you did me a solid 你帮了我一个大忙 5 It’s not my call 我说了不算 6 I don’t give a damn 我毫不在乎 7 you read my mind 还是你了解我 8 what goes around comes around 善有善报,恶有恶报 9  I’m […]

You know the drill

NO. EN CN 1 You know the drill 你是懂规矩的 2 I’m not picky 我不挑剔 3 You’re the boss 你说了算 4 Consider it down 包在我身上 5 I’m counting on you 我就指望你了 6  Be there or be square 不见不散 7  I’m up for it  我愿意 8 I’m on it 我去办 9 I’m in 算上我 10 I’m done […]

Power and money

NO. EN CN 1 all or nothing  全力以赴 2 now or never 机不可失 3 make or break 成王败寇 4 do or die 生死关头 5  old money  富二代 6 new money 暴发户 7 funny money 假钞 8 easy money 不义之财 9  dear money  高利贷 10  January and May  忘年恋 11  at the drop of a hat […]

off a rocky start

NO. EN CN 1 that’s more like it 这才像话嘛 2 I feel the same way  完全同意 3  here’s the thing  事情是这样的 4  don’t walk all over me  不要利用我 5 what’s your beef  你在不满什么 6  you stood me up  你放我鸽子 7  you had me at “hello” 你征服了我 8  bite me 要你管 9  once upon a time […]

A flash in the pan

NO. EN CN 1 a flash in the pan  昙花一现 2 get off your high horse  别那些趾高气扬 3 poppycock 废话 4  apples and oranges  两码事 5  cool as a cucumber  稳如泰山 6 lend me your ears 听我说 7  don’t dawdle  别磨蹭了 8  that’s lame  弱爆了 9  just a hunch (肉峰, ~ back 驼背)  只是凭直觉 10 what’s […]

Take the cake

NO. EN CN 1 take the cake 拔得头筹 2 steal the thunder  抢风头 3  raise the bar  提高标准 4 clear the air 消除误会 5 promise the moon 画大饼 6 free and easy 无拘无束 7 no guts, no glory 不入虎穴,焉得虎子 8 talk the talk, walk the walk 言出必行 9 smoke and mirrors 障眼法 10 heart and […]

About Whale’s Melody

People maybe are familiar with Whale’s voice but they may not be familiar with the science behind their eerie (/ˈɪəri $ ˈɪri/) songs,  because even if the scientists do not have the opportunities to figure it out unless they are blessed by the God. The key problem is that the tissues of whales are so […]

Others 004

No. Celebrity Dictum 1 Mother Teresa It is not how much you do, but how much love you put into the doing that matters. 2 Thomas Fuller Knowledge is a treasure, but practice is the key to it. 3 Francis Bacon Knowledge is power. 4 Albert Einstein Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep […]

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